Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the voice badges?
All functions can be carded out by pressing a single button.
B. The device is able to retrieve stored information.
C. The system can identify spoken commands and make connections instantly.
D. The badges have taken the place of the paging system in some large institutions.
According to the paragraph 3, Hoover was criticized for being a "sitting duck" president because
A. He strongly believed in a laissezfaire government, which the Democratics did not consider appropriate.
B. He was considered to be not laissezfaire enough by his opponents.
C. He was criticized for his firm belief in individualism, which made him think that the federal government should not offer relief to the povertystricken population.
D. His non-intervention policy was condemned by those who were more pro-free market.
According to paragraph 3, the phrase vocal stance refers to
A. speeches.
B. surreptitious belief.
C. explicit position.
D. outspoken apprehension.
A.From a half to two thirds.B.Their share has almost doubled.C.By three times.D.Up to
A. From a half to two thirds.
B. Their share has almost doubled.
C. By three times.
D. Up to 86%.
Hundreds of people who were killed or injured in the explosion were all African Americans.
A. Y
B. N