

A. 以纸张边缘为基准向内缩进
B. 以页边距的位置为基准向内缩进
C. 以页边距的位置为基准,都向左移动或都向或移动
D. 以纸张的中心位置为基准,分别向左、向右移动



A. 格式不变,操作无效
B. 整个段落均变成居中格式
C. 只有被选定的文字变成居中格式
D. 整个文档变成居中格式


A. 当没有选中“栏宽相等”复选框时,最多只能对前面三栏进行设置
B. 当选中“栏宽相等”复选框时,只需对第一栏进行"栏宽"和"间距"的设置
C. 最多能设置的栏宽数为8
D. 分隔线只有在分成两栏的时候有用


A. 表格
B. 标题
C. 页眉页脚
D. 批注

Read the post below and then choose the right word to fill in each blank.Farmers in New Zealand have got some strangeways of making money. They have not only planted crops but also 1to hold sheep races.The races 2for a year. During the past year over 100,000 people have watched the races.In a usual sheep race, half a dozen sheep run down the hill. Food is waiting for them 3 the foot of the hill. The sheep run so fast, 4 they haven’t eatenanything. According to a visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than5 on horses. " At the 6 everyone has studied the forms of the horses, and there are clear favorites. But nobody has heard 7about these sheep! " The visitor8the racessince two months ago.Last week I stayed to watch the races and found it quite9.People around me were all very happy! Perhaps in the future riding a sheep will become a means of transportation 10.
