A. 硬膜外阻滞
B. 腰麻
C. 表面麻醉
D. 吸入麻醉
E. 神经阻滞
A. 东莨菪碱
B. 异丙嗪
C. 地西泮
D. 阿托品
E. 苯巴比妥钠
1.1 Fill in the blanks with words from the word list below. Change the form where necessary.attainbenefitcareercooperationdeclineglobalheadlaunchsignalsignificantvisionyieldHiswas as a soldier ended with injury to both eyes.
attainbenefitcareercooperationdeclineglobalheadlaunchsignalsignificantvisionyieldHot money (热钱) flows around the world looking for investments that willhigh returns.
attainbenefitcareercooperationdeclineglobalheadlaunchsignalsignificantvisionyieldThe Prime Minister's speech sent out a(n)that his government is ready for peace negotiations.