题干: 女性,56岁,1年前开始出现久站或咳嗽时左腹股沟区胀痛,平卧时无不适。查体:体态较胖,腹部无压痛,站立时左腹股沟下内侧突起半球形包块,嘱患者咳嗽时无明显冲击感。 首先考虑的诊断是
A. 左侧腹股沟斜疝
B. 左腹股沟脂肪瘤
C. 左腹股沟肿大淋巴结
D. 大隐静脉曲张结节
E. 左侧股疝
A. 无淋巴结转移
B. 未穿破浆膜层
C. 直径小于2.5cm
D. 累及胃壁肌层
E. 局限于黏膜或黏膜下层
The secretary____ the foreign minister____ an interview he was to give that afternoon.
A. reminded … of
B. reassured…about
C. consulted…about
D. questioned…to
In the last two hundred years there have been great changes in the method of production of
A. the latter uses ready-made internal features
B. panels are cast in a level position
C. the former is used to build walls and floors while the latter to construct bathrooms or bedrooms
D. the former is more expensive than the latter