L’Allegro and II Penseroso respectively celebrate and()
A. Mirth and Sadness
B. Mirth and Melancholy
C. Sadness and Melancholy
D. Melancholy and Mirth
Paradise Lost also follows the tradition of invocation by appealing to _____()
A. the heavenly Muses
B. Holy Spirit
C. Apollo
D. the Ideal
Blank verse is a poetic form in which each line is written in _____()
A. rhymed,iambic pentameter
B. unrhymed, iambic pentameter
C. unrhymed, iambic tetrameter
D. rhymed, trochaic pentameter
The rhyme scheme of Spenserian sonnet is abab bcbc cdcd ee, which is very distinctive from that of Shakespearean sonnet()
A. abab cdcd efef gg
B. abba abba cdcd cd
C. abba abba cde cde
D. abab cdcd efef aa
The Spenserian stanza: a verse form consisting of 8 iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of 6 iambic feet with the rhyme scheme()
A. abab bcbc c
B. abba abba c
C. abab cdcd e
D. aabb ccdd e