北齐杨子华《北齐校书图》所采用的描法为The drawing technique
Yang Zihua of Northern Qi used in Northern Qi Scholars Collating Classic
Texts is()北齐杨子华《北齐校书图》所采用的描法为The drawing technique
Yang Zihua of Northern Qi used in Northern Qi Scholars Collating Classic
Texts is()
A. 高古游丝描archaic gossamer line
B. 钉头鼠尾描nail-head and
C. mouse-tail line
D. C.行云流水描scudding-cloud-and-running-water
E. line
F. D.铁线描iron wire line
下列作品哪些采用高古游丝描Which of the below
works use the archaic gossamer line()下列作品哪些采用高古游丝描Which of the below
works use the archaic gossamer line()
A. 女史箴图Admonition of the Imperial Instructress
B. 洛神赋Nymph of the Luo River
C. 八高僧图卷Illustrations to Events in the Lives of Eight Famous Monks
D. 步辇图Emperor Taizong in a Sedan Chair Greeting Three Envoys from Tibet
下列属于细笔的描法为The technique that
belongs to fine drawings is()下列属于细笔的描法为The technique that
belongs to fine drawings is()
A. 钉头鼠尾描nail-head and
B. mouse-tail
C. B.枯柴描dry firewood line
D. C.橄榄描olive line
E. D.混描mixed and layered
F. line
南宋画家马和之擅长 The Southern Song
painter Ma Hexhi excelled in drawing()南宋画家马和之擅长 The Southern Song
painter Ma Hexhi excelled in drawing()
A. 铁线描iron wire line
B. 战笔描tremulous line
C. 蚂蝗描leech line
D. 钉头鼠尾描nail-head and
E. mouse-tail line
毛笔锋毫结构分为A brush consists of()
A. 笔尖brush tip
B. 笔杆handle
C. 笔肚brush belly
D. 笔根brush end