Usually the Nobel Laureate will receive the following _____ as an honor()
A. Nobel Medal
B. Nobel trophy
C. Nobel Medal and Diploma
D. A gold laureate
Why do people of certain profession wear uniform()
A. Because uniform is a symbol of one’s class
Because uniform erases one’s individuality and stresses uniformity
C. Because uniform makes one look handsome
D. Because uniform is a symbol of one’s social status
Why are some of the works of Steinbeck considered controversial()
A. He depicted human nature in the ivory tower
B. He set out to undermine the racial injustice
C. His works criticize the governmental policy and capitalism
D. His works contain obscene content
Why has corset been popular among women even in modern days()
A. Because it is inexpensive and pretty
Because it accentuates the shapely curve of a woman
C. Because woman’s hourglass shape is considered as having the utmost aesthetic value
D. Because it is a symbol of a person’s social class
Why do people pay attention to their body()
A. People want to conform to the beauty standard in the society
Because people attach great importance to their health
C. Because people like diet, liposuction, or breast implant to make themselves more attractive
D. Because people are fascinated by their own body