Which of the following clauses is appropriate for a contract of sale by sample()
A. “The quality of the goods delivered should be the same as the quality of the sample.”
B. “The quality of the goods delivered should be equal to the quality of the sample.”
C. “The quality of the goods delivered should be about equal to the quality of the sample”
D. “The quality of the goods delivered should refer to the quality of the sample.”
Counter samples can also be called()
A. duplicate samples
B. sealed samples
C. confirmed samples
D. reference samples
According to the lncoterms 2010 under FCA the risk of goods will be transferred from the seller to the buyer()
A. when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer
B. when the goods are delivered to the named place in the exporting country
C. when the goods are given to the nominated carrier
D. when the goods are loaded on the vehicle of the carrier
Ancient Chinese were writing stories of smart machines
that _____()Ancient Chinese were writing stories of smart machines
that _____()
A. not only looked
B. like human beings but also spoke the language of human beings
C. B.not only looked
D. like human beings but also were dressed in the clothes of human beings
E. C.not only looked
F. like human beings but also ate the food of human beings
G. D.not only looked
H. like human beings but also thought like human beings
What encouraged a growing number of scientists to go
on with the research in AI is _____()What encouraged a growing number of scientists to go
on with the research in AI is _____()
A. that they could
B. obtain funding easily
C. B.that they could
D. see the advantages of continuing the research
E. C.that they could
F. gain both fame and wealth from doing the research
G. D.that they could
H. become the pioneers in this field