
Which one is not included in the “So” of “SoLoMo”()

A. Social Computing
B. Socially aware
D. Location- based service


Which one is not used with extracting knowledge from spatio-temporal data by LBS()

A. big data
B. artificial intelligence
C. Photogrammetry
D. cloud computing

According to the working platform, remote sensing can be()

A. ground remote sensing
B. aerial remote sensing
C. aerospace remote sensing
D. lidar remote sensing

Which one is not included in the “Mo” of “SoLoMo”()

A. Local adaptive servive
B. Mobile positioning
C. Mobile communication
D. Mobile data analysis

Which one is not the general steps of the visualization of geospatial data()

A. data preparing
B. data verifying and filtering
C. map visualization
D. data mining
