

A. 对
B. 错



A. 对
B. 错

Which is NOT true about cloud computing according to the passage

A. Moore's Law keep the power budget in check as we scaled up our computing resources at earlier time.
B. The most immediate solution is to process more data at the edge, before it goes into the cloud.
C. There should be no worry about the situation where the computing and power comsumpion will be strongly coupled as 60 years ago.
D. Software and hardware engineer will have to consider their design around power efficiency.

What consequences of cloud computing development are mentioned in the passage?

A. It earns a lot of money.
B. It consumes a lot of energy.
C. It attracts many companies.
D. It benefits innovation.


A. 量筒
B. 烧杯
C. 移液管
D. 滴定管
