
胡同时最具北京特色的代表之一,它的两旁时居民房屋。它不仅是交通通道,更是普通百姓的生活场所。Hu tong , a type of narrow street or alley with houses on both sides is the ____ in Beijing. The hu tong is not only a _____but also the ____.


这里是喧闹的都市中,最为安静的角落。人们悠闲自得,和睦相处。It is the ____ in this noisy city. People get long with each other ____.

北京的胡同由800多年的历史。自古至今约由4000多条。随着时代的发展,胡同逐渐被高楼大厦取代。只有为数不多的胡同被保留下来,为繁华的北京保留了一抹古老的色彩。There ____ 4,000 hu tongs in Beijing with a history of more than 800 years. Many hu tongs _____ modern buildings as the city developed. Only a few of them have been ____ keeping the traditions and history of Beijing alive.

四合院,是由四面房屋围合起来形成的院子。它只有一个院门通向外界是封闭式住宅。A courtyard residence, si he yuan , is a yard ______. It is a closed residence with _____.

四合院中北房最大是主人的卧室。两边的房屋时晚辈们住的地方。显示出中国家庭内的等级次序。Houses on the north are the largest ones and ______. Houses on the two flanks are the ____. The arrangement _____ in a family.
