
This new welfare arrangement will not only ensure better retirement protection for employees but also encourage _______________, hence better efficiency at the workplace.

A. expertise
B. management
C. benevolence
D. decency


I am afraid we have only a small _____________ of coal for the coming winter

A. service
B. reserve
C. reverse
D. resentment

患者因睡眠不好,工作时出现面色苍白,出冷汗、虚脱而来院就诊。医嘱:5%葡萄糖100ml 静脉滴注 st。选择最佳的注射部位是( )

A. 手背静脉网
B. 头静脉
C. 股静脉
D. 大隐静脉
E. 颈外静脉

成人病人输液时首选的静脉是( )

A. 贵要静脉
B. 头皮静脉
C. 手背静脉网
D. 大隐静脉
E. 肘正中静脉

静脉输液时穿刺的角度通常为( )

A. 不超过5°
B. 5°~10°
C. 15°~30°
D. 30°~40°
E. 40°~50°
