
Weather ForecastI’m Maria, from Chicago News. Let’s look at our weather for today. This morning it was 1 . But now it is beautiful outside. Right now, it is 72 degrees, it is 2 . Later at night, it will rain, and the 3 will go down to 51 degrees. And there is more crazy weather coming this week. Let’s look at our 5-day forecast. Tomorrow, Tuesday it will be sunny, and warm, 77 degrees tomorrow. Then on Wednesday, it will 4 , the temperature will 5 to 31 degrees, a pretty cold day. On Thursday there will be a big 6 . Be careful. It will rain a lot and it will be very 7 , the temperature will be about 56 degrees. On Friday, it will be a little windyand a little cloudy. The temperature will be 67 degrees. And on Saturday, it will snow again, the temperature will be 32 8 . Welcome to the crazy 9 in Chicago.


安全生产管理中运用系统原理的主要原则有( )

A. 动态相关性原则
B. 整分合原则
C. 反馈原则
D. 随机性原则
E. 封闭原则

1.马克思主义哲学的基本问题是( )。

A. 实践与认识的关系
B. 思维与存在的关系
C. 社会存在与社会意识的关系
D. 真理与谬误的关系

2.在马克思主义看来,哲学是( )。

A. 特定时代人们的世界观
B. 决定一切具体科学的科学
C. 所有科学的知识基础
D. 理论化、系统化的世界观和方法论

保育员的地位和作用,保育员工作的对象和环境,要求保育员首先必须县备( )。

A. 丰富的专业知识
B. 超强的组织能力
C. 高尚的职业道德
D. 良好的人际交往
