

A. 投标文件没有联合体共同投标协议
B. 对同类问题表述不一致
C. 投标文件中有含义不明确的内容
D. 有明显的文字和计算错误
E. 投标人主动提出的澄清说明



A. 招标发包的项目,其签约合同价为中标人的投标价
B. 按初步设计总概算包干进行发包的项目,其签约合同价按经审批的概算投资中与承包内容相应部分的投资,但不应包括相应的不可预见费
C. 按施工图预算包干进行发包的项目,其签约合同价按审查后的施工图预算或综合预算为准
D. 对于直接发包的项目,签约合同价经合同双方按相关图纸计算后确定的协议价

Globalization has __________ the opportunities for a firm to expand its revenues by selling around the world and __________ its costs by producing in nations where key inputs are cheap.

A. Reduced, reduced
B. Increased, increased
C. Increased, reduced
D. Reduced, increased

_________ refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy.

A. Cross-border proliferation
B. Globalization
C. Worldwide consumerism
D. Internationalization

The two main components of globalization are:

A. The globalization of technology and the globalization of markets
B. The globalization of finance and the globalization of accounting
C. The globalization of advertising and the globalization of services
D. The globalization of markets and the globalization of production
