( ) is TRUE about the characteristics of discovery learning.
A. Emphasize the processes of learning, not only the final results.
B. Emphasize the intuitive thinking.
C. Emphasize the intrinsic motivation.
D. Emphasize the organization and retrieval of information.
Emphasize the storage of information.
( ) of the following states about “cognitive structure” are TRUE.
A. Cognitive structure is an intrinsic encoding system about the physical world.
B. Cognitive structure is the classified modal to perceive peripheral world;
C. In cognitive structure, here are arrays of items that are interconnected and un-concrete.
D. Cognitive structure is the gist for novel information to process;
E. Cognitive structure is the reference frame for reasoning.
The categories of Meaningful Learning includes( ).
A. representation learning
B. assimilation
C. accommodation
D. Conceptual learning
E. propositional learning
The standards of meaningful verbal learning includes ( )
A. the connection is arbitrary.
B. the connection between new information and existing knowledge is superficial.
C. the connection between new information and existing knowledge is substantive.
D. the connection between new information and existing knowledge is NOT arbitrary.
E. the connection between new information and existing knowledge is arbitrary.
( ) are NOT correct on description on Reception learning and discovery learning.
A. Reception learning is lower, and discovery learning is higher;
B. Reception learning is higher, and discovery learning is lower;
C. Reception learning is rote, and discovery learning is meaningful;
D. Reception learning is meaningful, and discovery learning is rote;
E. Reception learning is not equal with rote learning, and discovery learning is not equal with meaningful learning.