
What do you usually do in your spare time?译文是

A. 你的爱好是什么?
B. 你喜欢什么?
C. 闲暇时你干些什么?


以下哪个选项可以回答What is your hobby?

A. I am Lily.
B. I like playing basketball.
C. I live in Ji'an

What do you want to do in the future?

A. I want to be an engineer.
B. I like painting.
C. I come from a family of 4.

What is your major?

A. My major is Electronic Information Technology.
B. I am majoring in Electronic Information Technology.
C. Electronic Information Technology is my major.
D. I major inElectronic Information Technology.


A. 禁用青霉素
B. 告知病人及家属今后禁用青霉素
C. 将实验结果在注射卡上做醒目标识
D. 将实验结果填在体温单上
E. 用生理盐水在对侧相应部位做对照试验
