My father and I not only lood alike but also have ( ) in disposition.
A. a lot in common
B. little in common
C. common behavior
D. common sense
( ) we were inside the house, it began to rain.
A. as much as
B. as soon as
C. as great as
D. as old as
The coach ( ) in order to encourage the players.
A. called off the game
B. called o time out
C. called it a day
D. calls a spade a spade
A. 每分钟由一侧心房射出的血量
B. 每分钟由一侧心室射出的血量
C. 每分钟由左、右心室射出的血量之和
D. 一次心跳两侧心室同时射出的血量
A. 心肌是功能上的合胞体
B. 心肌呈“全或无”收缩
C. 心肌的有效不应期特别长
D. 心肌有自动节律性