Are you for or against doing a part-time job?
A. for (If you choose for, please go to Question 2.)
B. against (If you choose against, please go to Question 3.)
Why do you think students should do a part-time job?(You can choose more than one answer.)
A. It provides opportunities for students to cope with stress.
B. It helps students develop social skills.
C. It provides valuable job experience.
D. Students gain financial independence through a part-time job.
E. It helps students use time more wisely.
Why do you think students should not do a part-time job?(You can choose more than one answer.)
A. It affects study.
B. It takes too much time.
C. It may be exhausting.
A. 损害由受害人故意造成的,则不构成侵权责任
B. 损害由受害人故意造成的,可以减轻行为人责任
C. 损害由受害人故意造成的,行为人仍需要承担一定责任
D. 损害由受害人故意造成的,仍构成侵权责任
A. 正当防卫
B. 不可抗力
C. 被侵权人过错
D. 受害人故意