Translate the paragraph below into Chinese.Anti-materialists tend to deride the importance of “things”. Yet things are highly significant, not merely because of their functional utility, but also because of their psychological impact. We develop relationships with things. Things affect our sense of continuity or discontinuity. They play a role in the structure of situations and the foreshortening of our relationships with things accelerates the pace of life.
朱砂具有下面的功效是( )
A. 清热泻火
B. 安神解毒
C. 润肠通便
D. 敛肺止咳
忌火煅的药物是( )
A. 朱砂
B. 龙骨
C. 磁石
D. 琥珀
既能安神益智又能祛痰消肿的药物是下面的( )
A. 磁石
B. 酸枣仁
C. 远志
D. 陈皮