Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph?
A thesis is presented and supporting examples are provided.
B. Opposing views are presented, classified, and then reconciled.
C. A fact is stated, and an explanation is advanced and then refuted.
D. A theory is proposed, considered, and then amended.
E. An opinion is presented, qualified, and then reaffirmed.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the Native American inhabitants of Ungava Bay?
A. They were almost all killed by the 1952 epidemic.
B. They were immunologically defenseless against measles.
C. They were the last native people to be struck by a virgin-soil epidemic.
D. They did not come into frequent contact with white Americans until the twentieth century.
E. They had been inoculated against measles.
A. 洁净
B. 廉价
C. 安全
D. 永久性
A. 选定的尺寸单位为模数
B. 模数协调中选用的基本尺寸单位为基本模数
C. 标志尺寸减去缝隙为构造尺寸
D. 基本模数的数值为300mm
A. 口蜜腹剑:媚上欺下:刚正不阿
B. 朝三暮四:说东道西:忠贞不二
C. 徒有虚名:金玉其外:败絮其中
D. 措手不及:未雨绸缪:有备无患