
Fast food has grown remarkable, not only in the United States, but also
around the world. Restaurant chains represent a multi-billion-dollars industry 【S1】______
that shows no sigh of slowing down. Innovations for operations and products 【S2】______
have kept the industry growing and, some critics would argue, led to speed up 【S3】______
the pace of contemporary life.
From its inception, fast food has lived up its name. In the early days of fast 【S4】______
food, as Americans came to depend more on their cars, outlets offered
drive-service, enabled customers to park and eat in their cars. This service 【S5】______
reduced the cost of operating a restaurant and establishing relatively low prices. 【S6】______
Given the popularity of fast food for lunch and dinner, it was only a matter
of time before marketers and franchisees realized they could expand their line
of production by offering breakfast to hungry people in a hurry. 【S7】______
For many people, however, fast food has become symbolic of a fast-pace 【S8】______
lifestyle. that is neither natural nor healthy. An organization called Slow Food
was established in Italy in 1986 to oppose fast food and its assembly-line
approach to cooking and eating. The Slow Food manifesto, endorsed in Paris
1989 by delegates from 15 countries, states, "We are slaved by speed and have 【S9】______
all succumbed to the same insidious virus: Fast Live, which disrupts our habits,
pervades the privacy of our homes and forces us to eat Fast Foods." To fight the
negative connotations of fast food, many companies now emphasize on the 【S10】______
word "flesh" in their advertising and use the term "quick service" to describe
their operations.



(2) Confirming bank
(3) ICC
(4) FCR
(5) Voyage Charter
(6) Particular average
(7) Partial shipments
(8) Customs broker
(9) Clean bill of lading
(10) Document of title


某外贸企业为增值税一般纳税人,具有进出l:1经营权。2011年3月发生相关经营业务如下: 。 (1)购进衬衫一批,价款300万元人民币,取得专用发票,同时支付运费5 000元,取得运输发票,该批衬衫当月全部出口,出口离岸价为人民币500万元。 (2)从日化工厂购进化妆品一批,专用发票上注明价款200万元,增值税34万元,当月全部出口到日本,出El离岸价为人民币350万元。 (3)进口化妆品一批,支付国外的买价220万元、购货佣金6万元、国外的经纪费4万元,支付运抵我国海关地前的运输费用20万元、装卸费用和保险费用ll万元;支付海关地再运往商贸公司的运输费用8万元、装卸费用和保险费用3万元,已取得海关的完税凭证。 (4)销售给国内某公司一批西装,开出的增值税发票上注明的价款为2 100万元。 (5)进口l0辆小轿车自用,海关审定的关税完税价格为25万元/辆。 其他资料:本月购进货物取得的增值税专用发票和运费发票均通过认证。衬衫和化妆品增值税退税率为l3%,化妆品的消费税税率为30%,小轿车关税税率28%,消费税税率9%。 要求:根据上述资料,按序号回答下列问题,如有计算,每问需计算出合计数。(以万元为单位.计算过程及结果保留小数点后两位) (1)计算该企业本月应缴纳车辆购置税。 (2)计算该企业本月进口业务应纳关税。 (3)计算该企业本月进口业务应纳消费税。 (4)计算该企业本月进口业务应纳增值税。 (5)计算该企业本月出口应退的增值税。 (6)计算该企业本月应向税务机关缴纳的增值税和消费税。
