若要求当串s1小于串s2时,执行语句P,则以下选项中正确的是( )
A. if(s1 B. if(strcmp(s1,s2))P;
C. if(strcmp(s1,s2)>0)P;
D. if(strcmp(s1,s2)<0)P;
设有定义: char a[80],*p=a;下面选项中正确的赋值语句是
A. p="abcd"
B. a="abcd"
C. *p="abcd"
D. *a="abcd"
1. The author lost her grandmother, her job and had two car crashes before she left for Canada.
A. 对
B. 错
2. The author andher co-workerslistened to 90s music and drank their daily Starbucks after work.
A. 对
B. 错
3. The authorwas proud of herself for constantly stepping out of her comfort zone and embracing the unknown when was onher trip across Canada and the United States.
A. 对
B. 错