
_______show himself in front of the rebels?

A. Dares the king
B. Dares the king to
C. Dare the king
Does the king dare


There is no parking in front of the post office. You ____ park there .

A. oughtn't
B. can't
C. didn't
D. wouldn't

Professor Li, many students want to see you. ______they wait here or outside?

A. Do
B. Shall
C. Did
D. Will

We ______ them because of the noise from the river then .

A. could not have heard
B. must not hear
C. need not have heard
D. may not hear

The teacher told Jeremy, "You _____ an 'A' on your term paper, but you used toomany old expressions .

A. would have received
B. must have received
C. could receive
D. cannot have received
