A. 金属膨胀器波纹片无渗漏、开裂或永久变形,膨胀位置指示正常,顶盖外罩连接螺钉齐全无锈蚀
B. 检查二次接线排列应整齐美观,接线牢靠、接触良好不松动
C. 加热器回路工作正常,能自动投切
D. 末屏检查接触导通良好,末屏引出小套管接地良好,并有防转动措施
What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following program?() public class Q28fd { public static void main(String args[]) { int counter = 0; l1: for (int i=10; i<0; i--) { l2: int j = 0; while (j < 10) { if (j > i) break l2; if (i == j) { counter++; continue l1; } } counter--; } System.out.println(counter); } }
A. The program will fail to compile.
B. The program will not terminate normally.
C. The program will write 10 to the standard output.
D. The program will write 0 to the standard output.
E. The program will write 9 to the standard output.
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 正确
B. 错误