A. 5分钟
B. 10分钟
C. 15分钟
D. 20分钟
A. 20公斤 0.125立方米
B. 30公斤 0.125立方米
C. 10公斤 0.225立方米
D. 20公斤 0.126立方米
A. 轻微事故
B. 一般事故
C. 严重事故
D. 特大事故
The blood is examined in order to answer the following principal questions
A. Is the marrow producing sufficient numbers of mature cells in the hemato—poietic lineages
B. Are the red cells in the blood normal
C. Are the leukocytes in the blood normal
D. Is the development of each hematopoietic lineage qualitatively normal
E. Are the platelets in the blood normal