There is a support ring between the cylinder block and collar of the cylinder liner, thus
A. cooling water
B. cooling oil
C. refrigerant
D. lubricate oil
A. 进行性吞咽苦难
B. 进餐后上腹痛,至下一餐前缓解
C. 不洁饮食后上腹痛,伴呕吐.腹泻
D. 空腹及夜间上腹痛,进食后可缓解
E. 反酸.烧心伴胸骨后烧灼样痛
Usually, companies would like to employ experienced applicants. For many college students,
A. 进行性吞咽苦难
B. 进餐后上腹痛,至下一餐前缓解
C. 不洁饮食后上腹痛,伴呕吐.腹泻
D. 空腹及夜间上腹痛,进食后可缓解
E. 反酸.烧心伴胸骨后烧灼样痛