

A. 老子
B. 庄子
C. 孔子
D. 孟子


Which of the following is NOT a condition for a limited liability company to issue publicly corporate bonds?

A. The value of its net assets shall not be lower than RMB 30,000,000 yuan
B. The average distributable profits of the company for the past three years must be sufficient to pay the interest on the corporate bonds for one year
C. The funds to be raised must be invested in conformity with the industrial policy of the State
D. The accumulated balance of the bonds shall not exceed 40% of the value of the net assets of the company


在下列美学家中,不属于直观主义传统的是 ()

A. 叔本华
B. 柏格森
C. 胡塞尔
D. 维特根斯坦

According to the Securities Law, which of the following persons who is deemed to have knowledge of inside information is prohibited from taking advantage of it to engage in securities trading?

Any shareholder who holds at least 3% of the shares in a listed company
B. Any staff member of a listed company
C. Any director, supervisor or senior executive of a listed company
