

A. 子宫内膜活检
B. 口服避孕药试验
C. 注射甲羟孕酮
D. 转外科
E. 骨盆检查和巴氏涂片检查



A. 600g
B. 800g
C. 1000g
D. 1200g
E. 1400g

In which two ways does the BGP graceful restart capability preserve prefix information during a restart?()

A. The peer router sends an end-of RIB message to the restarting router
B. The peer router immediately removes the BGP routes that it learned from the restarting router from its BGP routing table
C. The restarting router does not remove any stale prefixes after the timer for stale entries expires
D. The router establishes BGP sessions with other routers and relearns the BGP routes from other routers that are also capable of graceful restart. The restarting router waits to receive updates from the neighboring routers. When the neighboring routers send end-of-RIB messages to indicate that they are done sending updates, the restarting router starts sending its own updates
E. The restarting router removes any stale prefixes after the timer for stale entries expire

被告人商某,男,26岁,农民。 被告人高某于1998年6至8月间在110国道呼和浩特段四次持械拦路抢劫,共劫得现金1030余元,手机一部。后在亲友的劝说下投寨。该管辖地的基层人民法院于同年9月27日以抢劫罪判处高某有期徒刑15年。审判后,高某不服,以自己有投案情且积极退赃为由提出上诉.二审人民法院据此对该案进行审理。审理期间,原一审法院向二审法院提出,本院院长发现该案审判决在适用法律上有错误,所以提起审判监督程序。经本院审判委员会讨论,决定对此案改判,判决书转发。二审法院接此报告后,即停止对该案的审判.并将所有案卷材料退回一审法院。同年10月26日,原一审法院仍以抢劫罪改判高某有期徒刑8年。审判后,被告人未上诉,检察机关未抗诉。此案的审理程序有无问题.为什么?

