What is the main difference between the information displayed on the dspload and the dsptrkutl screens?()
A. The dspload screen is for all trunks; the dsptrkutl screen is for one trunk
B. The dspload screen shows the expected traffic; the dsptrkutl screen shows actual traffice
C. The information on the dspload screen never changes; the dsptrkutl screen is dynamic
D. The dspload screen shows historical information; the dsptrkutl screen shows current informatio
A. 不构成犯罪
B. 构成犯罪,但是已过追诉时效
C. 构成私藏弹药罪,应当追究其刑事责任
D. 根据从旧兼从轻的原则,1965年的法律并未将私藏弹药罪规定为犯罪,所以不应该追究曹某的刑事责任
A. 强迫他人转让公司股份、债券的
B. 强迫他人提供性服务的
C. 强迫他人参与或者退出投标、拍卖
D. 强迫他人参与或者退出特定的经营活动的
A. 人身财产安全
B. 健康
C. 环境保护
D. 以上都是