One method of controlling rats on vessels is by rat-proofing. Rat-proofing is accomplished by ().
A. installing rat guards on the mooring lines when in port
B. keeping foods protected and avoiding the accumulation of garbage
C. eliminating possible living spaces for rats when the ship is constructed
D. trapping and/or poisoning the rat
A. 仲裁
B. FIDIC合同条件下的工程是仲裁
C. DRB方式
D. NEC裁决程序
A. 脉速
B. 面色苍白
C. 剧烈腹痛
D. 心慌气急
E. 出冷汗
A. 激素的作用主要是作为信息分子直接参与靶细胞的新陈代谢
B. 在血液中含有多种激素
C. 激素只运输到相应的靶器官、靶细胞
D. 当激素作用于某一靶细胞后,再通过体液运送作用于其他靶细胞