What is wrong with the following code?() class MyException extends Exception {} public class Qb4ab { public void foo() { try { bar(); } finally { baz(); } catch (MyException e) {} } public void bar() throws MyException { throw new MyException(); } public void baz() throws RuntimeException { throw new RuntimeException(); } }
A. Since the method foo() does not catch the exception generated by the method baz(), it must declare the RuntimeException in its throws clause.
B. A try block cannot be followed by both a catch and a finally block.
C. An empty catch block is not allowed.
D. A catch block cannot follow a finally block.
E. A finally block must always follow one or more catch blocks.
A. 皮肉
B. 筋脉
C. 肌肤
D. 骨
E. 以上都不是
A. 个人销售自建自用住房
B. 保险公司开办的一年期以上人身保险产品取得的保费收入
C. 人民银行对金融机构的贷款利息
D. 银行向企业贷款收取的利息
E. 深圳张某销售购买超过2年的非普通住房。
A. 祛风镇痉
B. 滋水涵木
C. 清热解毒
D. 疏风通络
E. 平肝潜阳
A. 保证向发动机驱动泵连续供油。
B. 当油泵处于高峰负荷时作为油泵的补充。
C. 当系统中没有部件工作时,卸去油泵的压力。
D. 保证油泵出口压力为恒定。