A. 过热器、再热器及其管道各段的吹管系数小于1
B. 在被吹洗管末端的临时排汽管内装设靶板,材料可用不锈钢制成
C. 在保证吹管系数的前提下,连续两次更换靶板检查,靶板上冲出斑痕系数不大于0.8mm,且斑痕不多于8点,即认为吹洗合格
A. 已有
B. 没有
C. 可能有
A. 由董事会召集,董事长主持
B. 每年召开二次年会
C. 股份有限公司股东大会由董事组成
D. 股东大会选举经理
Note the following points describing various utilities in Oracle Database 1g:1. It enables the high-speed transfer of data from one database to another. 2. It provides a complete solution for the backup, restoration, and recovery needs of the entire database.3. It enables the loading of data from an external file into an Oracle database.4. It provides a tape backup management for the Oracle ecosystem. Which point describes Oracle Secure Backup()
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 1, 2, and 4
F. 1, 2, 3, and 4