A. 李克强
B. 张德江
C. 张高丽
D. 俞正声
A. 施工现场配电室周围应振动小
B. 施工现场配电室不要设在容易积水的场所
C. 施工现场配电室应尽量靠近负荷中心
D. 施工现场配电室应设在污染源的下风侧
You are working as a DBA on the decision support system. There is a business requirement to track and store all transactions for at least three years for a few tables in the database. Automatic undo management is enabled in the database. Which configuration should you use to accomplish this task?()
A. Enable Flashback Data Archive for the tables.
B. Specify undo retention guarantee for the database.
C. Enable supplemental logging for the database.
D. Query V$UNDOSTAT to determine the amount of undo that will be generated and create an undo tablespace for that size.
E. Create Flashback Data Archive on the tablespace on which the tables are stored.
A. 宋代书法追求个性而忽略法度,倡导“有意无法”
B. 宋代风俗画强调表现个性,讲究借物抒情,追求神韵意趣
C. 中国绘画注重表现精神风貌,力求传统,以形写神
D. 白居易的诗针砭时弊,韵味绵长