Thinking that you know()in fact you don't is not a good ide
A. what
B. that
C. when
D. which
医院感染不包括下列哪一种( )
A. 病人在医院内获得的感染
B. 入院时已处于潜伏期的感染
C. 出院时已处于潜伏期且出院后不久发生的感染
D. 新生儿经产道分娩时发生的感染
E. 手术后输血造成的病毒感染
In order to search for the escaped prisoner, the policeman decided to question______ comes along this road.
A) who
B) whom
C) whoever
D) whomever
健康促进的核心策略是( )
A. 社会动员
B. 卫生宣教
C. 专业人员培训
D. 健康普查
E. 政府投资