
The ability to laugh at your own flaws, weaknesses and blunders has long been recognized as a sign of maturity. (67) Eleanor Roosevelt put it, "You don’t grow up (68) you have your first good laugh at yourself." And yet this is one of the most difficult aspects of your (69) of humor to develop. It’s easy to see the humor in someone else’s (70) or flaws, but it’s another story when the (71) thing happens to us. That’s why we’ve put (72) working on this part, of your sense of humor until you’ve already (73) some good humor skills in areas that have (74) to do with laughing at yourself. Oscar Wilde once offered a valuable (75) about the way we live our lives when he said that" Life is (76) important to be taken seriously." (77) do you think he meant by this I don’t think he meant you don’t have to (78) your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously. He didn’t mean that it’s OK to live life with no (79) . I think he meant that the quality of our life (80) when we approach everything in a (81) manner. We lose the aliveness, joy and (82) we had when we were kids when we take everything so seriously, (83) when we take ourselves so seriously. I think the key here is to take your work and your responsibility seriously, (84) take yourself lightly in the (85) When you take yourself seriously all the time, you will (86) many benefits that a playful attitude and humor can offer.

A. insight
B. sight
C. foresight
D. outsight



Two pressing problems face the world: economic meltdown and global warming. Conveniently, a solution presents itself that apparently solves both: governments should invest heavily in green technology, thus boosting demand while transforming the energy business. This notion is gaining agreement around the world. Last month the United Nations called for a "Global Green New Deal". But it is in America that the idea is really taking off. The United States Conference of Mayors reckons that green investment should provide 2.5m jobs. The Centre for American Progress thinks $100 billion worth of spending in the area would provide 2m jobs. The new president tops both. Barack Obama proposes spending $150 billion over ten years, thus helping, he says, to create 5m jobs. There is a historical parallel to this synergy between two worthy aims. Just as military spending at the end of the 1930s defeated both fascism and the Depression, so spending on fighting climate change should both wean (使摆脱) mankind off fossil fuels and avert what might otherwise turn into the most serious downturn (衰退) since the 1930s. Isn’t that neat But combining the two by subsidizing renewable energy is, like many easy answers, the wrong solution. Governments can discourage companies and people from producing CO2 by making polluters pay or by reducing the costs of clean energy. Europe does both, through a cap-and-trade system (which caps CO2 emissions and requires companies to buy permits to pollute) and through subsidies. Mr. Obama is, quite rightly, planning to introduce a cap-and-trade system, but he is also promising massive subsidies. Subsidies are more popular but both theory and practice argue against them. Subsidizing clean energy requires politicians to decide on the best way of delivering it, and their judgment is likely to be worse than the market’s. America’s huge ethanol (乙醇) subsidies, for instance, have led to overinvestment in the businesses, which is now experiencing a sharp crash, and have helped drive up the price of food, with painful consequences for the world’s poor. The easy notion that there is a single solution to the world’s economic and climatic problems is, thus, a dangerous one. The world needs America to lead the fight against climate change. But if Mr. Obama goes about it the easy way, rather than the right way, he will discredit the cause he advocates, and thus damage the planet instead of saving it. According to the text,______.

A. war is a good way to solve economic problems
B. subsides for renewable energy is impractical
CO2 emission is profitable in Europe
D. the government should pay for the cost of pollution

The ability to laugh at your own flaws, weaknesses and blunders has long been recognized as a sign of maturity. (67) Eleanor Roosevelt put it, "You don’t grow up (68) you have your first good laugh at yourself." And yet this is one of the most difficult aspects of your (69) of humor to develop. It’s easy to see the humor in someone else’s (70) or flaws, but it’s another story when the (71) thing happens to us. That’s why we’ve put (72) working on this part, of your sense of humor until you’ve already (73) some good humor skills in areas that have (74) to do with laughing at yourself. Oscar Wilde once offered a valuable (75) about the way we live our lives when he said that" Life is (76) important to be taken seriously." (77) do you think he meant by this I don’t think he meant you don’t have to (78) your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously. He didn’t mean that it’s OK to live life with no (79) . I think he meant that the quality of our life (80) when we approach everything in a (81) manner. We lose the aliveness, joy and (82) we had when we were kids when we take everything so seriously, (83) when we take ourselves so seriously. I think the key here is to take your work and your responsibility seriously, (84) take yourself lightly in the (85) When you take yourself seriously all the time, you will (86) many benefits that a playful attitude and humor can offer.

A. suffers
B. enjoys
C. hurts
D. rises

Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A. It is far away from here.
B. They can not arrive there by that time.
C. The time is quite enough to be there.
D. He can not calculate the time.
