
The HMS Ontario is one of the most famous shipwrecks and was discovered by two Rochester engineers Jim Kennard, 64, who has spent more than half his life pursuing The HMS Ontario, along with Dan Scoville, 35, a shipwreck diver. They discovered The HMS Ontario deep off the southern shore of Lake Ontario when side-scanning sonar system that Mr. Kennard, a retired Kodak engineer, designed and built himself, showed a picture of something deep in Lake Ontario. The location of the shipwreck had been unknown for 228 years.Experienced shipwreck divers Jim Kennard and Dan Scoville have discovered seven of Lake Ontario"s estimated 500 shipwrecks in the last six years alone. Jim Kennard also designed a microwave-sized remote submersible that they deployed to go down and take the shipwreck"s video. The shipwreck is quite deep in Lake Ontario, so the remote machine with video was very useful."Right away we saw the quarter gallery, the windows in the stem, the cannons," said Jim Kennard. "There was no mistaking. That"s when we started getting excited." The discovery of the ship wreck was confirmed by the HMS Ontario expert Canadian Arthur Britton Smith, who authored the definitive book on the HMS Ontario.The loss of the HMS Ontario, is one of the worst-ever disasters recorded on Lake Ontario. In her time the HMS Ontario was the most-feared ship on the Great Lakes. It was 1780 and the Yankees were threatening to storm across Lake Ontario and seize Montreal from the British. But the intimidating 226-ton Ontario--22 cannons, two 80-foot masts, a beamy hull with cargo space for 1000 barrels, was intimidating. On Oct. 31, 1780, she sailed into a storm with around 120 passengers on board and was never seen again. The British tried to keep the news of the ship wreck hush.The HMS Ontario appears to be in perfect shape and the HMS Ontario has aged remarkably well though zebra mussels cover much of the woodwork. Leaning on a 45-degree angle, her masts still jut straight up from her decks where several guns lie upside-down and a brass bell, brass cleats and the stem lantern are perfectly visible. The Seven windows across her stem still have glass. Shipwrecks in cold freshwater are well preserved, that is why great lakes shipwrecks are prized. At 500 feet deep, where the HMS Ontario lies, there is no light and no oxygen to speed up the decomposition, and little marine life to feed on the wood.There was no evidence of the roughly 113 Canadian men, women, children and American prisoners who went down with the ship—the passengers—mostly Canadian soldiers from the 34th regiment—were never found. Nobody knows for sure how many passengers perished on the Ontario; the British kept their prisoner counts secret.Out of worries over looting, Mr. Jim Kennard and Mr. Dan Scoville are not revealing the HMS Ontario"s location. The vessel sits in water up to 500 feet deep and cannot be reached by anyone other than experienced divers. It is not believed to have any shipwreck treasure on it as was reported other than a few shipwreck coins that belonged to the passengers.Kennard said he and his partner have gathered enough ship wreck video of the ship that it will not be necessary to return to the site. He added that they hope to make a documentary about the discovery with the video of the shipwreck.The Great Lakes host many shipwreck locations and there are an estimated 4,700 shipwrecks in total, of which 500 are in Lake Ontario. Freshwater shipwrecks are famous for their preservation of the vessels and make popular diving spots. The two discoverers of the HMS Ontario saw its video ______.

A. with the help of a scanning sonar system
B. with the help of a remote submersible
C. on an Ontario TV channel
D. on a DVD about history


《中华人民共和国物权法》第70条规定:“业主对建筑物内的住宅、经营性用房等专有部分享有所有权,对专有部分以外的共有部分享有共有和共同管理的权利。”请分析: 本条规定的是何种权利该权利的主要特征有哪些

With increasing prosperity, Western European youth is having a fling that is creating distinctive consumer and cultural patterns.The result has been the increasing emergence in Europe of that phenomenon well known in America as the "youth market". This is a market in which enterprising businesses cater to the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their rock mania and pop-art forms.In Western Europe, the youth market may appropriately be said to be in its infancy. In some countries such as Britain, West Germany and France, it is more advanced than in others. Some manifestations of the market, chiefly sociological, have been recorded, but it is only just beginning to be the subject of organized consumer research and promotion.Characteristics of evolving European youth market indicate dissimilarities as well as similarities to the American youth market.The similarities:The market"s basis is essentially the same—more spending power and freedom to use it in the hands of teenagers and older youth. Young consumers also make up an increasingly high proportion of the population.As in the United States, youthful tastes in Europe extend over a similar range of products—records and record players, transistor radios, leather jackets and "way-out", extravagantly styled clothing, cosmetics and soft drinks. Generally it now is difficult to tell in which direction trans-Atlantic teenage influences are flowing.Also, a pattern of conformity dominates Europe youth as in this country, though in Britain the object is to wear clothes that "make the wearer stand out," but also make him "in," such as tight trousers and precisely tailored jackets.Worship and emulation of "idols" in the entertainment field, especially the "pop" singers and other performers is pervasive. There"s also the same exuberance and unpredictability in sudden fad switches. In Paris, buyers of stores catering to the youth market carefully watch what dress is being worn by a popular television teenage singer to be ready for a sudden demand for copies. In Stockholm other followers of teenage fads call the youth market "attractive but irrational."The most obvious differences between the youth market in Europe and that in the United States is in size. In terms of volume and variety sales, the market in Europe is only a shadow of its American counterpart, but it is a growing shadow. The European youth market and the American one are similar in ______.

A. the youth"s spending power
B. the youth"s influences on the market
C. the proportion of the youth population
D. the kinds of products that interest the youth

As medical evidence mounts that we are indeed what we eat, consuming a healthier diet has become almost a national passion in the United States. The food-for-fitness phenomenon began in the late "70s when a U.S. Senate committee on nutrition reached grim conclusion that six out of the ten leading causes of death—such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke—might be linked to diet. The government issued dietary guidelines advising Americans to eat a variety of foods, maintain proper weight, and limit intake of fat, salt, sugar, and alcohol.For most Americans, what to eat is a matter of personal choice, rather than one of supply. An excellent nationwide food distribution system assures that fresh produce is readily available in all parts of the country, regardless of the season. Taking advantage of this abundance, many people are forsaking traditional meat-and- potatoes and in favor of lighter meals of salads, fruits, and vegetables.The single most dramatic change in the American diet has been a reduction in consumption of animal fat, which is thought to increase the risk of heart disease and may contribute to the high U.S. incidence of breast and colon cancer. Margarine and vegetable oils have replaced butter and lard in many homes, and half of all milk now drunk in the United States is low-fat. Fish and poultry are increasingly popular sources of protein as consumption of red meat declines. The food industry has responded to concern about fat by producing leaner cuts of meat and cholesterol-free substitutes for eggs.One of the most significant trends in the American way of eating is the healthful change in restaurant food. "One of every two meals in the United States is eaten outside the home," says Donna Watson, president of the American Dietetic Association. "Restaurants are making special efforts to provide low-fat, low-salt, and low-calorie items." Salad bars, loaded with fresh greens and raw fruits and vegetables, are found everywhere, even along-side the burgers and French fries in fast-food restaurants.Most important, the focus on prudent diet has led to an unprecedented national quest for a healthier life style. Americans are smoking less, exercising more, and experimenting with new ways to conquer stress. Eating sensibly, they have discovered, is only one important route to good health. Which of the following can be a way to decrease the consumption of animal fat

A. Using less butter when cooking soup.
B. Drinking more milk at breakfast.
C. Eating more fish or poultry at dinner.
D. Having two eggs at most daily.

In a recent book entitledThe Psychic Life of Insects, Professor Bouvier says that we must be careful not to credit the little winged fellow with intelligence when they behave in what seems like an intelligent manner. They may be only reacting. I would like to confront the Professor with an instance of reasoning power on the part of an insect which cannot be explained away in any other manner.During the summer, while I was at work on my doctoral thesis, we kept a female wasp at our cottage. It was more like a child of our own than a wasp, except that it looked more like a wasp than a child of our own. That was one of the ways we told the difference.It was still a young wasp when we got it and for some time we could not get it to eat or drink, it was so shy. Since it was female, we decided to call it Miriam.One evening I had been working late in my laboratory fooling around with some gin and other chemicals, and in leaving the room I tripped over a line of diamonds which someone had left lying on the floor and knocked over my card index which contained the names and addresses of all the larvae worth knowing in North American. The cards went everywhere.I was too tired to stop to pick them that night. As I went, however, I noticed the wasp was flying about in circles over the scattered cards. "Maybe Miriam will pick them up", I said half laughingly to myself, never thinking for one moment that such would be the case.When I came down the next morning Miriam was still asleep in her box, evidently tired out. And well she might have been. For there on the floor lay the cards scattered all about just as I had left them the night before. The faithful little insect had buzzed about all night trying to come to some decision about picking them up and arranging them in the boxes for me, and then had figured out for herself that, as she knew practically nothing on larvae of any sort except wasp larvae, she would probably make more of a mess of rearranging them than if she had left them on the floor for me to fix. It was just too much for her to tackle, and discouraged, she went over and lay down in her box, where she cried herself to sleep. By saying "And well she might have been" (Para. 6), the author thinks that Miriam was ______.

A. exhausted
B. intelligent
C. energetic
D. depressed
