
What does it say about a society that outsources the last years and moments of life to a clinical setting that is neither loving, nor particularly caring(46) More succinctly, what does it say about us when we ship our parents off to nursing homes instead of caring for them, in the toughest times, at homeAs we grow older, we all face life in different ways. (47) We all see, upon occasion, the ravages of disease and the frailty and indomitable spirit of our humanness as loved ones struggle to face their own aging. Parkinsons, dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, strokes and other ailments take loved ones, issuing a summons to the younger generation to respond. How we respond tells us who we really are and what we are made of.Dispirited by the seemingly shallow "caring" of medical facilities like "nursing homes", many Americans are embracing "home care". And the benefits of home-care experience can far outweigh the costs one expects in anguish and the pocketbook. (48) One might find inspiration, an uplifting and newfound realization of the sanctity and importance of human life, and a life-altering family sense of love, caring, giving and togetherness.Many families say, "My loved one gave more to us than we ever gave to her or him."Suffering can bring families together--or send the selfish to flight. (49) The giving experience of knowing we all loved enough to bring the suffering member of the family home to our hearts and our ability to care, may forever change the way we remember who we are. There may be no Hallmark moment, no reward from the ailing family member. But you might surprise yourself and you might be surprised by how your suffering loved one inspires you.There are times when the hospital, nursing home and even the hospice are mandated. But don’t sell yourself and your family short. Your love and care may well exceed that of all others.(50) In numerous ways, many of us live in a world without connection to the life-and-death struggles that make us loving, caring human beings. We rush to work, the kids’ soccer tournaments, even vacations, at break-neck speed. When we pause to give, we shop at Wal-Mart for the appropriate handout. We Americans spend more than $ 4 billion annually on our pets, but sometimes neglect our family duties and responsibilities. (48) One might find inspiration, an uplifting and newfound realization of the sanctity and importance of human life, and a life-altering family sense of love, caring, giving and togetherness.


What does it say about a society that outsources the last years and moments of life to a clinical setting that is neither loving, nor particularly caring(46) More succinctly, what does it say about us when we ship our parents off to nursing homes instead of caring for them, in the toughest times, at homeAs we grow older, we all face life in different ways. (47) We all see, upon occasion, the ravages of disease and the frailty and indomitable spirit of our humanness as loved ones struggle to face their own aging. Parkinsons, dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, strokes and other ailments take loved ones, issuing a summons to the younger generation to respond. How we respond tells us who we really are and what we are made of.Dispirited by the seemingly shallow "caring" of medical facilities like "nursing homes", many Americans are embracing "home care". And the benefits of home-care experience can far outweigh the costs one expects in anguish and the pocketbook. (48) One might find inspiration, an uplifting and newfound realization of the sanctity and importance of human life, and a life-altering family sense of love, caring, giving and togetherness.Many families say, "My loved one gave more to us than we ever gave to her or him."Suffering can bring families together--or send the selfish to flight. (49) The giving experience of knowing we all loved enough to bring the suffering member of the family home to our hearts and our ability to care, may forever change the way we remember who we are. There may be no Hallmark moment, no reward from the ailing family member. But you might surprise yourself and you might be surprised by how your suffering loved one inspires you.There are times when the hospital, nursing home and even the hospice are mandated. But don’t sell yourself and your family short. Your love and care may well exceed that of all others.(50) In numerous ways, many of us live in a world without connection to the life-and-death struggles that make us loving, caring human beings. We rush to work, the kids’ soccer tournaments, even vacations, at break-neck speed. When we pause to give, we shop at Wal-Mart for the appropriate handout. We Americans spend more than $ 4 billion annually on our pets, but sometimes neglect our family duties and responsibilities. (49) The giving experience of knowing we all loved enough to bring the suffering member of the family home to our hearts and our ability to care, may forever change the way we remember who we are.

What does it say about a society that outsources the last years and moments of life to a clinical setting that is neither loving, nor particularly caring(46) More succinctly, what does it say about us when we ship our parents off to nursing homes instead of caring for them, in the toughest times, at homeAs we grow older, we all face life in different ways. (47) We all see, upon occasion, the ravages of disease and the frailty and indomitable spirit of our humanness as loved ones struggle to face their own aging. Parkinsons, dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, strokes and other ailments take loved ones, issuing a summons to the younger generation to respond. How we respond tells us who we really are and what we are made of.Dispirited by the seemingly shallow "caring" of medical facilities like "nursing homes", many Americans are embracing "home care". And the benefits of home-care experience can far outweigh the costs one expects in anguish and the pocketbook. (48) One might find inspiration, an uplifting and newfound realization of the sanctity and importance of human life, and a life-altering family sense of love, caring, giving and togetherness.Many families say, "My loved one gave more to us than we ever gave to her or him."Suffering can bring families together--or send the selfish to flight. (49) The giving experience of knowing we all loved enough to bring the suffering member of the family home to our hearts and our ability to care, may forever change the way we remember who we are. There may be no Hallmark moment, no reward from the ailing family member. But you might surprise yourself and you might be surprised by how your suffering loved one inspires you.There are times when the hospital, nursing home and even the hospice are mandated. But don’t sell yourself and your family short. Your love and care may well exceed that of all others.(50) In numerous ways, many of us live in a world without connection to the life-and-death struggles that make us loving, caring human beings. We rush to work, the kids’ soccer tournaments, even vacations, at break-neck speed. When we pause to give, we shop at Wal-Mart for the appropriate handout. We Americans spend more than $ 4 billion annually on our pets, but sometimes neglect our family duties and responsibilities. (46) More succinctly, what does it say about us when we ship our parents off to nursing homes instead of caring for them, in the toughest times, at home

What does it say about a society that outsources the last years and moments of life to a clinical setting that is neither loving, nor particularly caring(46) More succinctly, what does it say about us when we ship our parents off to nursing homes instead of caring for them, in the toughest times, at homeAs we grow older, we all face life in different ways. (47) We all see, upon occasion, the ravages of disease and the frailty and indomitable spirit of our humanness as loved ones struggle to face their own aging. Parkinsons, dementia, Alzheimer’s, cancer, strokes and other ailments take loved ones, issuing a summons to the younger generation to respond. How we respond tells us who we really are and what we are made of.Dispirited by the seemingly shallow "caring" of medical facilities like "nursing homes", many Americans are embracing "home care". And the benefits of home-care experience can far outweigh the costs one expects in anguish and the pocketbook. (48) One might find inspiration, an uplifting and newfound realization of the sanctity and importance of human life, and a life-altering family sense of love, caring, giving and togetherness.Many families say, "My loved one gave more to us than we ever gave to her or him."Suffering can bring families together--or send the selfish to flight. (49) The giving experience of knowing we all loved enough to bring the suffering member of the family home to our hearts and our ability to care, may forever change the way we remember who we are. There may be no Hallmark moment, no reward from the ailing family member. But you might surprise yourself and you might be surprised by how your suffering loved one inspires you.There are times when the hospital, nursing home and even the hospice are mandated. But don’t sell yourself and your family short. Your love and care may well exceed that of all others.(50) In numerous ways, many of us live in a world without connection to the life-and-death struggles that make us loving, caring human beings. We rush to work, the kids’ soccer tournaments, even vacations, at break-neck speed. When we pause to give, we shop at Wal-Mart for the appropriate handout. We Americans spend more than $ 4 billion annually on our pets, but sometimes neglect our family duties and responsibilities. (47) We all see, upon occasion, the ravages of disease and the frailty and indomitable spirit of our humanness as loved ones struggle to face their own aging.

本题的功能是用文本框来设定表盘中指针的位置。窗口中有一个画板和两个文本框,画板中绘制了一个表盘和时针、分针,通过文本框分别设定“时”和“分”,表盘中的时针和分针就会指到对应的位置上。 import java. awt. * ; import java. awt. event. * ; import java. awt. geom. * ; import javax. swing. * ; import javax. swing, event. * ; public class java3 public static void main(String[] args) TextTestFrame frame=new TextTestFrame(); frame. setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame. show(); class TextTestFrame extends JFrame public TextTestFrame() setTitle("java3"); setSize(DEFAULT_WIDTH, DEFAULT_HEIGHT); Container contentPane=getContentPane(); DocumentListener listener=new DocumentListen-er(); JPanel panel=new JPanel(); hourField=new JTextField("12",3); panel, add(hourField); hourField, getDocument (). addDocumentListener(this); minuteField=new JTextField("00",3); panel, add(minuteField); minuteField, getDocument(), addDocumentListener(listener); contentPane, add ( panel, BorderLayout. SOUTH); clock=new ClockPanel(); contentPane, add (clock, BorderLayout. CENTER); public void setClock() try int hours = Integer. parseInt (hourField. getText(). trim()); int minutes = Integer. parselnt(minuteField, getText(), trim()); clock, setTime(hours, minutes); catch (NumberFormatException e) public static final int DEFAULT WIDTH=300; public static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT=300; private JTextField hourField; private JTextField minuteField; private ClockPanel clock; private class clockFieldListener extends DocumentListener public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) setClock(); public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) setClock(); public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) class ClockPanel extends JPanel public void paintComponent(Graphics g) super, paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g; Ellipse2D circle =new Ellipse2D. Double(0,0,2 * RADIUS, 2 * RADIUS); g2. draw(circle); double hourAngle =Math. toRadians(90-360 * minutes/(12 * 60)); drawHand (g2, hourAngle, HOUR_HAND_LENGTH); double minuteAngle Math. toRadians(90-360 * minutes/60) drawHand(g2, minuteAngle, MINUTE_HAND_LENGTH); public void drawHand(Graphics2D g2, double angle, double handLength) Point2D end=new Point2D. Double( RADIUS+handLength * Math. cos(angle), RADIUS-handLength * Math. sin(angle)); Point2D center=new Point2D. Double(RADIUS, RADIUS) g2. draw(new Line2D. Double(center, end)); public void setTime(int h, int m) minutes=h*60+m; repaint(); private double minutes=0; private double RADIUS=100; private double MINUTE_HAND_LENGTH=0.8 * RADIUS; private double HOUR_HAND_LENGTH=0.6 * RADIUS;
