A Company is using 6to4 tunnels in their IPv6 network. Which two statements are true about thesetunnels?()
A. In a 6to4 tunnel, the first two bytes of the IPv6 address will be 0x2002 and the next four byteswill be the hexadecimal equivalent of the IPv4 address
B. In a 6to4 tunnel, the IPv4 address would be converted to the2002:1315:4463:1::/64 IPv6 address
C. In a 6to4 tunnel, the IPv4 address would be converted to the 2002:c0a8:6301::/48IPv6 address
D. In a 6to4 tunnel, the first two bytes of the IPv6 address will be locally derived and the next twobytes will be the hexadecimal equivalent of the IPv4 address
E. In a 6to4 tunnel, the IPv4 address would be converted to the 2002:c0a8:6301::/16IPv6 addre
A. 牡蛎散
B. 四君子汤
C. 补肺汤
D. 补中益气汤
E. 玉屏风散
A. 戒酒色,节起居
B. 可以适当进行太极拳等锻炼
C. 可进食百合、枇杷、牛奶
D. 忌食葱、姜、辣椒
E. 不宜用甘淡实脾之药而纯以滋阴为法