Because of a logical corruption in your production database, you wanted to perform Tablespace Point in Time Recovery (TSPITR). But before you start the recovery, you queried the TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED view and realized that there are a large number of objects that would be dropped when you start the recovery by using this method.You want to preserve these objects. Which option must you use to perform TSPITR and preserve the object?()
A. Perform Export before TSPITR and Import after TSPITR
B. Move objects to another schema that has the same tablespace assigned
C. Perform Incomplete Recovery before TSPITR with the Log Sequence Number (LSN)
D. Perform Incomplete Recovery before TSPITR with the System Change Number (SCN)
A. 易于感受外邪,应注意保暖,不要劳汗当风,防止外邪侵袭。避免劳累:劳则气耗,尤当注意不可过于劳作,以免更伤正气
B. 形成良好的运动健身习惯。可根据个人爱好和耐受程度,选择运动健身项目
C. 老年人在运动中应注意避风寒,不宜大汗,适合做一些温和的有氧运动如慢走以及太极剑、太极拳等。八段锦的“背后七颠百病消”和“两手攀足固肾腰”加做1-3遍
D. 老年人应避免剧烈的体育活动,太极拳和八段锦比较适合这类群体。推荐:呼气提肛法。明代“养生十六宜”指出“谷道宜常撮”,谷道指肛门。首先吸气收腹,收缩并提升肛门,停顿2-3秒之后,再缓慢放松呼气,如此反复10-15次。八段锦的“两手攀足固肾腰”和“攒拳怒目增力气”加做1-3遍
A. 吸收存款
B. 发放贷款
C. 受托发放贷款
D. 受托投资