
You are a network administrator for TestKing. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named testking.com. All servers run Windows Server 2003. All client computers run Windows XP Professional. A server named Testking32 contains a folder that is shared as ManagerData$. A global group named AllManagers has permission to access the shared folder. A user reports that he needs access to the ManagerData$ shared folder. You add his user account to the All Managers global group. When the user attempts to connect to the shared folder by typing \\Testking32\ManagerData$\ , he receives the following error message: "\\Testking32\ManagerData$\ is not accessible. You might not have permissions to use the network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied. You need to ensure that the user can access the ManagerData$ shared folder on Testking32. What should you do?()

A. Instruct the user to type \\Testking32\ManagerData\ when he attempts to access the folder.
B. Add the Anonymous Logon group to the ACL for the ManagerData$ shared folder.
C. Select the Replace permission entries on all child object with entries shown here that apply to child objects check box.
D. Instruct the user to log off and log on again before he accesses the folder.



A. 空气样本的变异,例如受热或水汽源或汇的影响;
B. 测量传感器受污染,例如尘埃或海水飞沫;校准误差:包括大气压的修正、传感器和电路板的温度系数;
C. 水相与冰相的不正确处理;
D. 仪器设计不当,如湿球温度表表身的热传导;
E. 操作不当,例如未达到稳定平衡状态;
F. 取样与平均间隔不当,传感器的时间常数、输出的平均时间与数据要求必须相适应。


A. 为纪念唐代大文豪、曾任柳州刺史的柳宗元而建的公园
B. 始建于清宣统元年(1909年),园内有柳侯祠、柳宗元衣冠墓、罗池、柑香亭等古迹
C. 公园内有被称为“三绝碑”的“荔子碑”
D. 为广西唯一一个国家重点公园


A. 非凡的人不适合集体工作
B. 个组织里都是平凡的人是最适宜管理的
C. 非凡的人太多反而对组织不利
D. 在人和人的关系结构中,不是通过把非凡的人集合在一起,这个组织就是有效能的;而是通过使平凡的人干不平凡的事业,这个组织才是有效能的


A. 假种子
B. 劣种子
C. 国家规定不得进口的种子
D. 以上都对
