When carbon is added to iron in the proper proportions , the result is steel.()
A. container
B. sequence
C. laboratories
D. amounts
A. 先行救治,并迅速报告列车长、乘警处理
B. 救治后,编制客运记录,交有医疗条件的车站处理
C. 迅速拍发事故速报
D. 救治后,编制客运记录交车站处理
A. 泵轮
B. 涡轮
C. 导轮
D. 汽轮
Ella Grasso, elected governor of Connecticut in 1974, supported the enactment (given, granted) of a freedom-of-information law.()
A. passing
B. advocates
C. drafting
D. circulation