
LH集团是—家国内有名的零售企业。白成立以来已在浙江省开设了500多家连锁店,并计划在杭州下沙开设一家,因此需要招聘商场经理一名。 条件: ·中国公民,年龄35—40岁 ·5年商场管理经验 ·有2年以上大型超市或连锁店管理经验优先 ·杰出的规划和中报技能 ·良好的英语水平 ·计算机技能熟练 有意者请将个人简历、身份证以及近照一张寄至杭州庆春路128号鸿云商务大厦1608室林先生收,邮编310005。 Words for reference:零售企业retail trader:商场经理store manager:条件qualifications:规划和申报技能planning and reporting ability


A——air traffic control system J——safety precaution measureB——armed police K——safety control deviceC——crime prevention L——security command centerD——entry requirement M——security serviceE——international criminal police organization N——security control centerF——level of security O——security personnelG——picket line P——valid documentsH——police station Q——security monitoring and controlI——patrolling vehicle ______入境要求 ______安保人员

Sherwin Louis CompanyThe Sherwin Louis Company is America"s largest paint company with over MYM5 billion in annual sales, over 30,000 employees and 24 consecutive (连续的) years of increased earnings. Our company has been known for top quality paint and coatings for the homeowner, eon tractor, architect and industrial user. At Sherwin Louis the quality goes into the product before the product goes in the can.We provide a value-centered corporate culture, friendly work environment, comprehensive compensation and benefits package, and business stability that only a company founded in 1869 can offer.At Sherwin Louis, you will experience immediate challenges, considerable variety, a rare level of autonomy (自治) and exciting potential for fast-track growth—all while contributing substantially as part of a major, international corporation. We invite you to grow with us.Our World Headquarters is located at 101 Prospect Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Over 1, 800 employees are employed at this site in a variety of different departments. Please note that all resumes received via the resume builder will only be considered for positions at this site unless otherwise noted.Some available departments are:AccountingCustomer ServiceEngineeringEnvironmentalHuman ResourcesSherwin Louis CompanyMain product: paint and coatingsTotal number of employees: 1 Founded: 2 Headquarters: located at 3 , ClevelandAdvantages of being a company member:1. Enjoying a value-centered corporate culture, friendly 4 , comprehensive compensation and benefits package, and business stability.2. Experiencing 5 , considerable variety, a rare level of autonomy and exciting potential for fast-track growth,

在司法原则中,最能体现司法的本质要求和终极价值准则的是( )。

A. 司法法治原则
B. 司法平等原则
C. 司法独立原则
D. 司法公正原则

A——air traffic control system J——safety precaution measureB——armed police K——safety control deviceC——crime prevention L——security command centerD——entry requirement M——security serviceE——international criminal police organization N——security control centerF——level of security O——security personnelG——picket line P——valid documentsH——police station Q——security monitoring and controlI——patrolling vehicle ______巡逻车 ______武装警察
