[案例二] 背景 某高速公路第五施工合同段地处城郊,主要工程为路基填筑施工。其中K48+010~K48+328段原为路基土方填筑,因当地经济发展和交通规划需要,经各方协商,决定将该段路基填筑变更为(5×20+3×36+5×20)m预应力钢筋混凝土箱梁桥,箱梁混凝土强度等级为C40。变更批复后,承包人组织施工,上部结构采用满堂式钢管支架现浇施工,泵送混凝土。支架施工时,对预拱度设置考虑了以下因素:(1)卸架后上部构造本身及活载一半所产生的竖向挠度。(2)支架在荷载作用下的弹性压缩挠度。(3)支架在荷载作用下的非弹性压缩挠度。(4)由混凝土收缩及温度变化而引起的挠度。根据设计要求,承包人对支架采取了预压处理,然后立模、普通钢筋制作、箱梁混凝土浇筑、采用气割进行预应力筋下料;箱梁采用洒水覆盖养生;箱梁混凝土强度达到规定要求后,进行孔道清理、预应力张拉压浆,当灰浆从预应力孔道另一端流出后立即终止。箱梁现浇施工正值夏季高温,为避免箱梁出现构造裂缝,保证箱梁质量,施工单位提出了以下三条措施:(1)选用优质的水泥和集料。(2)合理设计混凝土配合比,水灰比不宜过大。(3)严格控制混凝土搅拌时间和振捣时间。 问题: 除背景资料中提到的三条构造裂缝防治措施外,再列举两条防治措施。
The ability to laugh at your own flaws, weaknesses and blunders has long been recognized as a sign of maturity. (67) Eleanor Roosevelt put it, "You don’t grow up (68) you have your first good laugh at yourself." And yet this is one of the most difficult aspects of your (69) of humor to develop. It’s easy to see the humor in someone else’s (70) or flaws, but it’s another story when the (71) thing happens to us. That’s why we’ve put (72) working on this part, of your sense of humor until you’ve already (73) some good humor skills in areas that have (74) to do with laughing at yourself. Oscar Wilde once offered a valuable (75) about the way we live our lives when he said that" Life is (76) important to be taken seriously." (77) do you think he meant by this I don’t think he meant you don’t have to (78) your responsibilities, promises, work, etc. seriously. He didn’t mean that it’s OK to live life with no (79) . I think he meant that the quality of our life (80) when we approach everything in a (81) manner. We lose the aliveness, joy and (82) we had when we were kids when we take everything so seriously, (83) when we take ourselves so seriously. I think the key here is to take your work and your responsibility seriously, (84) take yourself lightly in the (85) When you take yourself seriously all the time, you will (86) many benefits that a playful attitude and humor can offer.
A. built
B. established
C. constructed
D. based
A. 氨苯蝶啶
B. 螺内酯
C. 呋塞米
D. 双氢氯噻嗪
E. 甘露醇
A. 苯巴比妥
B. 地西泮
C. 吗啡
D. 苯妥英钠
E. 氯丙嗪
[案例一] 背景 某高速公路M合同段,路面采用沥青混凝土,路线长19.2km。该路段地处平原地区,路基横断面以填方3~6m高的路堤为主,借方量大,借方的含石量40%~60%。地表层以黏土为主,其中K7+200~K9+800段,地表层土厚7~8m,土的天然含水量为40%~52%,地表无常年积水,孔隙比为1.2~1.32,属典型的软土地基。结合实际情况,经过设计、监理、施工三方论证,决定采用砂井进行软基处理,其施工工艺包括加料压密、桩管沉入、机具定位、拔管、整平原地面等。完工后,经实践证明效果良好。 在施工过程中,针对土石填筑工程,项目部根据作业内容选择了推土机、铲运机、羊足碾、布耠.机、压路机、洒水车、平地机和自卸汽车以及滑模摊铺机等机械设备。在铺筑沥青混凝土路面面层时,因沥青混凝土摊铺机操作失误致使一工人受伤,并造成设备故障。事故发生后,项目部将受伤工人送医院治疗,并组织人员对设备进行了抢修,使当天铺筑工作顺利完成。 问题: 本项目若采用抛石挤淤的方法处理软基是否合理请说明理由。