
Combine the two sentences into one.Example: That man was Anna"s brother. He just walked past.The man who just walked past was Anna"s brother. The talk was very interesting. Judy gave it. The talk ______ very interesting.


Complete the story, about a thief"s punishment. Write the missing words. Use one word only in each space.This is a true story which is supposed to have happened somewhere in the US. A man 31 was accused of housebreaking appeared in court. He had put his arm through the window of a house and stolen some money 32 was lying on a table inside. The argument 33 the man"s lawyer put forward wasn"t very impressive. He said that 34 was the man"s arm 35 had committed the crime and not the man himself. "You cannot punish a man for 36 his arm has done," said the lawyer. Now the judge in 37 court the man was appearing wanted to show how stupid the lawyer"s argument was. Instead of finding the man guilty, he found the man"s arm guilty and sent it to prison. "He can go with his arm or not, as he chooses," the judge added, 38 made everyone laugh. But 39 the judge didn"t know was that the man had an artificial arm. He took the arm off, gave it to the judge 40 could hardly believe his eyes—and walked out of the court.

Combine the two sentences into one.Example: That man was Anna"s brother. He just walked past.The man who just walked past was Anna"s brother. The house is empty now. I used to live there. The house ______ is empty now.

患者,男,65岁。全程无痛性血尿半年,不伴尿急、尿痛;半年反复肉眼血尿,尿常规示:红细胞4~5/HP,白细胞0~2/HP,蛋白(+),查体:双肾区叩击痛阴性,尿道未见异常。 患者可进行的影像学检查

A. 腹部平片
D. 逆行膀胱造影
E. 超声

Each of these sentences has a mistake in it. Write the correct sentence.Example: I"ve found the magazine who was missing.I"ve found the magazine that was missing. It"s the President makes the important decisions.
