How should you deal with your key employees according to the last paragraph ()
A. Make them behave well.
B. Meet with them every day.
C. Pay regular visits to their family.
D. Make sure they are well-treated.
We will provide you with tips to help you keep your stress levels()control.
A. for
B. on
C. under
D. with
The author uses the word "push" (para.2) to mean the force that()
A. makes employees satisfied with their work
B. drives employees to work more efficiently
C. causes employees to leave their company
D. keeps employees to remain in their company
【真题试题】(2007年案例分析第71~74 题 )A市人民政府(办公地点位于B区)发布《专题会议纪要》,其第5条规定:为保证规划区内的正常营运,城市公交在该区内开通的若干线路免交相关交通规费。按照这一规定,市公交公司(办公地点位于C区)在规划区内开通的公交5路汽车就可以享受免交交通规费的待遇。甲(住址在D区)是经交通部门批准的客运经营户,其营运路线与公交5路重叠,但仍被要求交纳交通规费。甲向法院提起诉讼。 【真题试题】(2007年案例分析第73题)对于本案,法院应当在立案之日起()内作出第一审判决。
A. 15天
B. 1个月
C. 2个月
D. 3个月
(obvious)(),the company does not seem to care much about its customer services.