A. 疏肝清热药力不足,宜加大用量
B. 余毒未尽,宜清热解毒
C. 气郁痰凝,宜理气散结
D. 使用寒凉药太过致气血凝结,宜疏肝理气,温阳消肿
E. 阴虚血亏,宜调补气血
A. 手、足少阳经
B. 手、足太阴经
C. 手、足太阳经
D. 手、足厥阴经
E. 手、足阳明经
Which of the following statements correctly describes the characteristics of a Frame Relay point-to-point subinterface?()
A. Needs to use Inverse AR
B. Maps a single IP subnet per DLC
C. Maps a single IP subnet across multiple DLCIs.
D. Resolves NBMA (non broadcast multi access) split horizon issues.
E. Requires use of the frame-relay map command.
F. None of the above
A. 1978年
B. 1980年
C. 1986年
D. 1988年
A. 30
B. 20
C. 5
D. 10