

A. 民族资产阶级
B. 工人阶级
C. 农民阶级
D. 小资产阶级


资产阶级维新派与革命派的区别在于( )。

A. 革命派主张武力的方式,维新派主张和平改良的方式
B. 是否主张发展资本主义
C. 革命派主张推翻君主制,建立资产阶级共和国;维新派主张在保皇权的基础上实行君主立宪
D. 革命派依靠广大人民群众;维新派惧怕人民群众

辛亥革命的局限性主要表现在( )。

A. 没有提出彻底的反帝反封建革命的纲领
B. 没有充分发动和依靠民众,特别是广大农民
C. 没有建立坚强的革命政党,发挥团结一切革命力量的强有力的核心作用
D. 没有充分地传播资产阶级革命思想

国民党一大宣言对三民主义进行的新的阐释,具体说就是( )。

A. 民族主义突出了反帝内容,同时强调各民族平等
B. 民权主义强调民权为一般平民所共有
C. 民生主义在“平均地权”的基础上增加了“节制资本”的原则
D. 民生主义明确提出要改善工农的生活状况

[音频]Welcome to THE MAKING OF A NATION — American history in VOA Special English.The Civil War began in 1_________(只填写阿拉伯数字) as a struggle over the right of states to leave the Union.President Abraham Lincoln 2______ ______ that a state did not have that right. And he declared war on the southern states that tried to leave.Lincoln had only one reason to fight: 3 _____ ____ ____ _____ . In time, however, there was another reason to fight: to free the black people held as slaves in the South.Today, Kay Gallant and Harry Monroe continue the story of how President Lincoln 4 ____ _____ ____ _____ .Lincoln had tried to keep the issue of slavery out of the war. He feared it would 5 _____ the northern war effort.Many men throughout the North would fight to save the Union. They would not fight to free the slaves.Lincoln also needed the 6. ______ of the four slave states that had not left the Union: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri.He could not be sure of their support if he 7 _________ that the purpose of the war was to free the slaves.Lincoln was able to follow this policy at first. But the war to save the Union was 8. ____ _____ . The North had not won a decisive victory in Virginia, the heart of the Confederacy.To 9 . _________ continued support for the war, Lincoln was forced to recognize that the issue of slavery was, in fact, a major issue.And on 10. _______(月份写英文单词) _____(日期写阿拉伯数字的序数词) _______(年份写阿拉伯数字) , he announced a new policy on slavery in the rebel southern states. His announcement became known as the Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言.American newspapers printed the proclamation. This is what it said:I, Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States and commander in chief of the 11. ____ _____ _____ , do hereby在此 declare that on the first day of January, 1863, all persons (held as slaves within any state then in rebellion against the United States), shall then become and be forever free.The government of the United States, including the 12. _____ and naval forces, will recognize and protect the freedom of such persons, and will 13. ______ in no way (with any efforts /they may make/ for their actual freedom).For 14. _____ _____ , the proclamation did not free slaves in the states that supported the Union. Nor did it free slaves in the areas around Norfolk, Virginia, and New Orleans, Louisiana.Most anti-slavery leaders 15. _______ the Emancipation Proclamation. They had waited a long time for such a 16. ______ .But some did not like it. They said it did not 17 . ____ _____ _____ . It did not free all of the slaves in the United States, only those held by the rebels叛乱军.Lincoln answered that the Emancipation Proclamation was a military 18. ______ . He said he made it under his wartime powers as 19. _______ in chief. As such, it was legal only in enemy territory.Lincoln agreed that all slaves should be freed. It was his 20. ______ ______ .
