
Future markets are largely assured for fermentation products because, with limited exceptions, it is not possible to produce them economically by other chemical means.


The origins of fermentation technology were largely with the use of microorganisms for the production of foods and beverages such as cheeses, yoghurts, alcoholic beverages, vinegar, Sauerkraut, fermented pickles and sausages, soya sauce and the products of many other Oriental fermentation.

A. 乙醇
B. 酒精
C. 含酒精的
D. 酒鬼

The present-day large scale production possesses of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domestic arts.

A. 鳞片上面
B. 上面尺寸
C. 按比例放大
D. 按比例缩小

Paralleling this development of product formation was the recognition of the role microorganisms could play in removing unpleasant wastes and this has resulted in massive world-wide service industries involved in water purification, effluent treatment and waste management.

A. 过滤
B. 提纯
C. 涤罪
D. 净化

To overproduce specific essential primary metabolites such as glycerol, acetic acid, lactic acid, acetone, butyl alcohol, butane diol, organic acids, amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and xanthans.

A. 过度生产
B. 高产
C. 过分
D. 结束生产
