
Word BankA) detailsB)deafC) tutoringD) lostE) dreamsF) motivationG) sympathyH) hearingI) simplyJ) frequencyK) hardlyL) hardM) predictingN) musicalO) desireRobbie Wilde has been enjoying his life as a DJ. He was born with perfect1, but is now completely2in his right ear and can 3 hear in his left. He grew up in a4home environment and started deejaying at age 18. With a strong5 to perfect his skills, he asked a well-known DJ for6.He has been working 7 and does not want his skills recognized 8 because people have 9for his disability. In this way, he sets a good examplefor other young people in chasing their10.


委托其他纳税人代销货物,为收到代销单位销售的代销清单或者收到全部或部分货款的当天。当天发出代销商品超过180天仍未收到代销清单及货款的,视同销售实现,一律征收增值税,其纳税义务发生时间仍为收到代销单位销售的代销清单或者收到全部或部分货款的当天。( )

A. 对
B. 错

纳税人进口货物,按照组成计税价格和规定的税率计算应纳税额,不得扣除任何税额。( )

A. 对
B. 错

进口货物,应当向报关地海关申报纳税。( )

A. 对
B. 错

出口企业从小规模纳税人购进并持普通发票的货物后,不论是内销或出口均不得做扣除或退税。( )

A. 对
B. 错
