●Managing risk and documenting them is very important in project planning process. You are in the process of defining key risks, including constraints and assumptions, and planned responses
and contingencies. These details will be included in the (73) .
(73)A. project management plan B. project baseline C. risk response plan D. risk baseline
A. 良好的品德修养
B. 良好的身心素质
C. 良好的审美能,
D. 良好的智力水平
A. 收料单
B. 购货时取得的发票
C. 销货发票
D. 成本计算单
●某小型系统集成项目,甲乙双方只订立了口头合同。工程完工后,因甲方拖欠乙方工程款 项发生风险,应当认定该合同 (63) 。
(63)A.未成立 B.补签后成立 C.成立 D.备案登记后成立